V8 is a noisy ride

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In my opinion the V8 interior is a very noisy ride. It has excessive road noise. I have read that Vinfast has implemented noise canceling to reduce road noise. Is this a software upgrade that I can get or is this only implemented in newer cars. My V8 is a 2024 model
VinFast's noise-canceling tech is likely hardware-based, not just software. You might check with VinFast to see if any retrofits or updates are available.
V8s are indeed very noisy, 8 cylinders of internal combustion engine noise - they work by causing thousands of explosions per minute, you know! Old tech, very loud

Try an electric car like a VF8 instead 😜
V8s are indeed very noisy, 8 cylinders of internal combustion engine noise - they work by causing thousands of explosions per minute, you know! Old tech, very loud

Try an electric car like a VF8 instead 😜
I have the Vinfast VF8 and it is very noisy Internet says that Vinfast has noise canceling in there cars. My dealer dose not have info on if it is just software or hardware upgrade. I'm looking for info from anyone that knows if there is filed upgrade to a 2024 Vinfast VF8

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