Does a dead EV battery hurt your car

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San Jose, California
Myth Busted: Running on empty with an EV? While it's not ideal, modern EVs with protected batteries and a booming charging network mean range anxiety is a thing of the past. Plus, most EVs boast over 250 miles on a charge - enough for epic road trips! So don't sweat it too much! What's your driving habits anyway - how far do you typically go in a week?
That's great and all, but I'll still stick with my ICE vehicle for longer trips. My VF works perfectly for my daily work commute.
You’re right! EV batteries these days are built to handle a lot, and manufacturers have put protections in place so even if you do hit 0%, the car won’t just drop dead immediately. 👌

I wouldn’t make a habit of letting it run empty, though. just like any battery, it’s best to keep it in the middle range when you can. Personally, I average around 150-200 miles a week, so I try to charge every couple of days to keep it topped up and avoid range anxiety!
Myth Busted: Running on empty with an EV? While it's not ideal, modern EVs with protected batteries and a booming charging network mean range anxiety is a thing of the past. Plus, most EVs boast over 250 miles on a charge - enough for epic road trips! So don't sweat it too much! What's your driving habits anyway - how far do you typically go in a week?
Yeah, running an EV battery low isn’t the end of the world, but I try not to push it. My VF8’s been great about warning me when the battery gets low, and charging stations are popping up everywhere now, which helps! I drive around 100-120 miles a week, so I don’t worry too much about range. I usually charge every few days just to stay on top of it. how far do you push your EV on a long drive on average? 🤔
Myth Busted: Running on empty with an EV? While it's not ideal, modern EVs with protected batteries and a booming charging network mean range anxiety is a thing of the past. Plus, most EVs boast over 250 miles on a charge - enough for epic road trips! So don't sweat it too much! What's your driving habits anyway - how far do you typically go in a week?
Totally agree! Modern EVs have come a long way with battery management, so running low once in a while won’t really hurt anything. 👌 I usually drive about 200 miles a week, so I make it a point to charge up every 3-4 days. I’ve found that planning ahead helps with those longer trips, makes road trips a lot less stressful when you know where your next charge is coming from! What’s your typical weekly mileage like? Do you push it on Sport mode? 😁
No need to stress too much with these newer EVs. The batteries have smart systems in place to protect them, so running low once in a blue moon shouldn’t be an issue. I drive around 180 miles a week, and I usually keep it above 20% just to play it safe. 😊 I do a full charge once a week, especially if I’ve got a longer trip planned. How far do you normally go each week? Do you charge every day?

Myth Busted: Running on empty with an EV? While it's not ideal, modern EVs with protected batteries and a booming charging network mean range anxiety is a thing of the past. Plus, most EVs boast over 250 miles on a charge - enough for epic road trips! So don't sweat it too much! What's your driving habits anyway - how far do you typically go in a week?

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