Problem with 12v Battery in EVs

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San Jose, California
Anyone else seeing all these horror stories about dead 12v batteries in new EVs, including some VFs? It seems like every brand is struggling. What's the deal, and more importantly, how are the manufacturers gonna address this before it ruins our rides?
I believe it could just be a software glitch. A simple solution might be to disconnect and reconnect the 12V battery, which essentially reboots the car's computer system.
Sometimes rebooting it can fix the issue with the 12v but from what i know you should try to use an OBD Scanner to know what exactly caused the issue or get it serviced.
I've also seen those! It is definitely a worry, especially when it happens with more than one brand of EV. It looks like these cars' 12v batteries aren't keeping up with the rest of the tech inside them. If only VinFast and other companies would step up and fix this quickly, before it gets worse! I've heard that BYD's Blade Batteries are much better than regular ones. I hope they get those for VinFast EVs. Then our EVs might have a longer range or be more stable.
Anyone else seeing all these horror stories about dead 12v batteries in new EVs, including some VFs? It seems like every brand is struggling. What's the deal, and more importantly, how are the manufacturers gonna address this before it ruins our rides?
noticing the same thing, 12v battery problems popping up all over the place, even in newer models. It’s surprising since you’d think they’d have this figured out by now. I wonder if it’s due to increased reliance on software systems in EVs or just plain bad luck with battery quality. Manufacturers definitely need to take this seriously, though, since a dead 12v can leave you completely stranded. not sure if they're gonna release a replacement battery system on this, but right now i dunno.

Anyone else seeing all these horror stories about dead 12v batteries in new EVs, including some VFs? It seems like every brand is struggling. What's the deal, and more importantly, how are the manufacturers gonna address this before it ruins our rides?
heard that many EVs have problems with their 12v batteries. strange that a part that is so important and seems so simple is causing so many issues. Maybe there's a recall for this? 🤔 The electronics and safety systems in an EV are powered by the 12v battery, which doesn't get as much attention as the main battery pack. It could be getting too much use, or the charging systems might not be making the best use of it. To avoid these problems, manufacturers will need to fix this, perhaps by making the 12v batteries better or the software management better.
Anyone else seeing all these horror stories about dead 12v batteries in new EVs, including some VFs? It seems like every brand is struggling. What's the deal, and more importantly, how are the manufacturers gonna address this before it ruins our rides?
It really is a thing! Different EV brands have told me terrible stories about their 12v batteries, so it looks like these problems can happen to anyone. A small part is causing a lot of trouble in high-tech electric vehicles, which is kind of funny. We hope that companies like VinFast will start to offer real solutions, like new software or batteries that work better. It's not something they can put off for long! Or else people will jump to other brands. 😖

Anyone else seeing all these horror stories about dead 12v batteries in new EVs, including some VFs? It seems like every brand is struggling. What's the deal, and more importantly, how are the manufacturers gonna address this before it ruins our rides?

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