Humid weather charging issues

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queen of soul

Reaction score
Santa Monica
I'm just wondering if anyone else has had this experience. It appears to charge much slower in my garage during hot weather, especially when all of the doors are closed. It charged much faster at my friend's house (in an open area).
Since I began charging in my garage also, my charging speed has dropped to 25 kW. It's slower, but as long as it gets the job done, I'm not too concerned.
Based on your observations, an enclosed place with high humidity affects the charging efficiency of your EV. There might be truth to what you're saying, try and experiment on the charging efficiency with different temperatures
Temperature of your surroundings can affect charging speed just the same as the temperature will affect how fast the battery gets drained. But if this happens even after you did something to keep the heat down then I suggest getting it serviced.

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